Scholarly Book on Research in Science and Technology
The book is the result of an extensive research project directed by Dr. Escotet and focuses on the exploratory analysis of the system of science and technology in Latin America.
The Escotet Foundation is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to develop, support and disseminate social innovation and virtual programs, neuroscience research, services and resources in intercultural and international development education and its interrelationship with human and social sciences. Learn more
Daily digital journal on Neuroscience, Psychology, Human & Social Sciences, and Mental Health
Current information from sociocultural international media sources.
Current information from sociocultural Spanish-language media sources.
A collection of video platforms from selected higher education institutions.
A resource of more than 15,000 selected links in multiple social science categories
A moderated discussion board in Spanish on human sciences and higher education.
This Viewpoint argues that the absence of worldwide social ethics is at the root of our present social, political, and economic crises. More to the point, the current COVID- 19 pandemic was, in part, a consequence of insufficient scientific research, …
En cualquier examen del futuro, deberíamos preguntarnos antes que nada, no tanto hacia dónde va la educación, sino más bien hacia dónde debería ir. En el fondo debemos pensar en forma dialéctica entre el ser y el deber ser. Veamos …
The book Talent Abounds: Profiles of Master Teachers and Peak Performers, from Paradigm Publishers written by Robert Arnove, Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus at Indiana University and a leading scholar of comparative and international education, suggests that great teachers who turn out …