
This page is designed to highlight the role of education in the development of the Spanish-speaking Americas. Links are provided to on-line resources concerned with this area. These links include Latin American universities and Ministries of Education, international agencies, and centers concentrated on these issues. Also included are some interesting links for educational topics in general. Links are included in no special order or with regards to any preferences.

If you know of any additional links that should be added to this page, please contact us at





Universidad Americana:

La Universidad Americana (UAM) fue fundada en 1992, por un grupo de catedráticos universitarios de vasta experiencia en el campo docente, investigativo y administrativo, con el propósito de contribuir al desarrollo de la Educación Superior en Nicaragua. El Consejo Nacional de Universidades (CNU) aprobó oficialmente la creación de la UAM el 26 de Noviembre de 1992, aprobación que confirió, el debido reconocimiento nacional e internacional.

Universidad de las Americas, A. C.:

The University of Américas, A.C., as a bilingual higher education institution prepares professionals to meet the challenge of the 21st Century. Aware of these demands, the UDLA maintains Mexican and American accreditations (SEP and SACS, respectively) that acknowledge the studies it offers.

Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana:

Nuestra misión es: “Formar profesionales con niveles de excelencia, capaces de crear y dirigir empresas, contribuyendo al desarrollo de la ciencia, la tecnología y la cultura para el progreso y el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la sociedad”.

Latin American Initiatives

Latin American and Caribbean Center:

Florida International University, a public institution of higher education in South Florida, has devoted extraordinary resources and effort to the study of Latin America and the Caribbean. From the resulting synergy, the Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) came into existence in 1979. As a federally supported National Resource Center for Language and Area Studies, LACC has a mandate to promote graduate and undergraduate education, faculty research, and public education on Latin American and Caribbean affairs.

Expedition for Education:

A Harvard Business School student-led mission:

  • to raise funds for school projects in Latin America in cooperation with the non-profit PLAN International/Childreach,
  • to encourage the use of the Internet in developing economies, mainly through a series of seminars in Latin American capitals,
  • to embark on an overland journey from Boston to Rio de Janeiro visiting and documenting the sponsored projects.

Red de Interconexion Universitaria:

Desde 1994 la Secretaría de Políticas Universitarias (SPU) del Ministerio de Educación de la República Argentina impulsó la creación de una red informática, que posteriormente se denominó Red de Interconexión Universitaria, para posibilitar que las universidades públicas argentinas se conecten entre ellas y con el mundo incluidas las principales universidades, bibliotecas y centros de investigación.


Ednica (Educación con el NiÑo Callejero):

Ednica es una ONG Mexicana que realiza programas de educación asistencia y desarrollo para niños y niñas callejeros, niños en riesgo y sus familias, También promueve la defensa de los Derechos Humanos de esta Población.

Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, Ciencia y Cultura:

La Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI) es un organismo internacional de carácter gubernamental para la cooperación entre los países iberoamericanos en el campo de la educación, la ciencia, la tecnología y la cultura en el contexto del desarrollo integral, la democracia y la integración regional.


This is UNESCO’s home page devoted to their education projects and partnerships.


Childreach, the U.S. Member of PLAN International, is a global, child-focused development organization linking, through sponsorship, caring people in the U.S. with needy children and their families in emerging countries. Overseas programs are implemented by PLAN International and are strengthened by global education in the U.S. Founded in 1937 as Foster Parents Plan, Childreach is non-profit, non-partisan and non-sectarian.


Educación en Internet:

Esta página puede servir de referencia a educadores, padres o estudiantes de Pedagogía. Contiene información sobre Organización, Integración y Educación Especial, Didáctica, sobre la carrera de Pedagogía en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y enlaces a otras páginas de interés.

The UN CyberSchoolBus:

The UN CyberSchoolBus is designed for students and teachers everywhere and carries projects and resources about the United Nations and the world we all share.

NEC Global Network Class (Gakkos):

“Gakkos” is the nickname for this website. Gakko is the word for school in Japanese. This is a place for kids around the world to gather together for class, a public square for everyone between the ages of 10 and 14.

NASA’s Quest Project:

To provide support and services for schools, teachers and students to fully utilize the Internet, and it’s underlying information technologies, as a basic tool for learning.

Medford Education International:

MEI is an educational think tank based in Medford, Oregon dedicated to solving specific problems in education. It sponsors symposia which bring in educators from other countries to exchange ideas and formulate recommendations to create an expanded foundation for educational practice.

World Kids Voyage:

An Educational Outreach Program bringing world’s children closer together.

The American Forum for Global Education:

Promoting the education of our nation’s youth for responsible citizenship in an increasingly interconnected and rapidly changing world.

The Alternative Higher Education Network:

The Network was started with four main goals in mind: to provide a forum for the discussion of what alternative education and education mean, to provide tools for the collaborative assessment of existing programs within the schools, to provide a tool for the creation of new programs, and to help individuals meet their own individual networking needs.

The Institute for Higher Education Policy:

The Institute for Higher Education Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to foster access to and quality in post-secondary education. The Institute’s activities are designed to promote innovative solutions to the important and complex issues facing higher education.