AAUP Policy Documents
Assessment & Evaluation on the Internet
Can You Meet World-Class Standards?
The Chance Database-Statistics
The Condition of Education: Indicators
The Council of Educational Facility Planners, International
Developing Educational Standards
Digest of Education Statistics
Educational Policy Studies
Institutional Research and Planning
International Institute for Educational Planning/Unesco
Internet Resources for Institutional Research
National Institute for Educational Planning-U.S.
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
Pathways to School Improvement
Planning for Higher Education Journal
Planning and Institutional Research at FIU
Thesis Guide at Penn State
Unesco Documents On Line
World Bank Publications
Educación afectiva: alas para el viaje del futuro
En cualquier examen del futuro, deberíamos preguntarnos antes que nada, no tanto hacia dónde va la educación, sino más bien hacia dónde debería ir. En el fondo debemos pensar en forma dialéctica entre el ser y el deber ser. Veamos …