Africa Online
American Civil Liberties Union-U.S.
Amnesty International
Amnistía Internacional
Center For World Indigenous Studies
Child Quest International
Coordinadora Castellano-Leonesa de ONGs
Directorio de Fundaciones en España
Directorio de ONGDs
First Page for Argentina-United Kingdom
Fundación Arias para la paz y el progreso humano-Costa Rica
Fundación para el desarrollo de las comunicaciones-España
Fundación Polar-Venezuela
Global Fund for Women
Greenpeace en España.
Human Rights Web
International Service Agencies
Latin-American Student Organization -LASO-
List of Non-Governmental Organizations
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
International Institute for Sustainable Development
International Volunteer Opportunities
Manos Unidas-España
Médicos del Mundo-España
Médicos sin Fronteras, España
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children-U.S.
Nonprofit Resources Catalogue: Table of Contents
Organización de carácter no lucrativo para la defensa de la comunidad gitana-España
The Progressive Directory
Save the Children
SIETAR International
World Neighbors
World Summit on Social Development
Interview with Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom
“We can’t just sit around waiting for the global solution,” alerts Dr. Elinor Ostrom regarding climate change.